I like hiking in the mountain or by the sea and like to make pictures with photo everywhere. It is very important what kind of equipment you have with us and hove heavy it is. So I buyed litlle, light and usefull Canon camera PowerShot A520 with Canon camera software.
It was before two years. In this time I made more than 7000 pictures. All that pictures was downloaded from camera to my PC and there was presented with Canon camera software.
And than have became crash of my PC disk. I have had lucky because all the picture have been save on the camera chips. The recovery should be easy but unfortunately I have not CD disc with Canon camera software for Powershot A520. I try everywhere on the internet and finaly I find it.
Some tehnical details about Canon PoweShot A520
And than have became crash of my PC disk. I have had lucky because all the picture have been save on the camera chips. The recovery should be easy but unfortunately I have not CD disc with Canon camera software for Powershot A520. I try everywhere on the internet and finaly I find it.
For beginers:
Here are two upload links of full version canon camera software:
Here are two upload links of full version canon camera software:
Link for upgrade version
Advance users: you need to add registry key and you will be able to install the zoombrowser updater without having to install the
full version first. ---> HKLM/Software/Canon/ZoomBrowser Ex
Some tehnical details about Canon PoweShot A520
Digital CameraLike its little brother, the PowerShot A510 digital camera, the PowerShot A520 model also is 13 percent smaller and 10 percent lighter than previous models, and is also equipped with a longer 4.0x 35-140mm (35mm format equivalent) optical zoom lens with Canon optics for sharp images. The new lens features all-glass construction and two
aspherical elements in a seven-element formula.
In order to make the camera smaller, Canon engineered the new PowerShot A520 model to accept SD and MMC media. Even with its small size, the camera sports a large 1.8-inch LCD screen for easy preview and review. It also includes Canon's exclusive DIGIC image processor for fast processing speed, excellent image quality, and crisp, vibrant colors.
The PowerShot A520 digital camera requires only two AA batteries, while providing the same number of shots (300 with LCD screen on) as previous models that used four batteries, thanks to reductions in power consumption made possible by improvements in key components and circuit design. The PowerShot A520 digital camera is equipped with a nine-point AiAF "Smart" autofocus system and 13 shooting modes. The standard shooting modes are Full Auto, Program, Manual, Shutter-priority, and Aperture-priority with additional modes
including Portrait, Landscape, Night Scene, Fast Shutter, Slow Shutter, Special Scene, Stitch Assist and Movie. The Special Scene modes, which helps make it easy for beginners to achieve optimum results in many popular photo opportunities, has been enhanced with the addition of two new settings called Night Snapshot and Kids & Pets. The PowerShot A520 digital camera is also capable of recording movies with sound for up to three minutes per clip, making it perfect for capturing memories in motion.
In order to make the camera smaller, Canon engineered the new PowerShot A520 model to accept SD and MMC media. Even with its small size, the camera sports a large 1.8-inch LCD screen for easy preview and review. It also includes Canon's exclusive DIGIC image processor for fast processing speed, excellent image quality, and crisp, vibrant colors.
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